Our Services
Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment is a high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust placed on an area that isn’t moving as well as it should. An adjustment provides many benefits in addition to alleviating the pain you’re in. Dr. Jaymee performs both spinal and extremity adjusting.
Soft Tissue Work
Dr. Jaymee does many different types of soft tissue work such as: instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM or scraping), cupping with red light and near-infrared light therapies, myofascial release, trigger point, and active release technique (ART).
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This is a type of massage that helps bring fluid that’s stuck in between cells and tissues to the lymph nodes, so that it can be flushed out of the body. Some of the many benefits include: boosts the immune system, decreases water retention, boosts metabolism, and helps with hormonal imbalances. Dr. Jaymee does Full body lymphatic drainage massage (neck down), facial lymphatic drainage, and Post-Operative lymphatic drainage massage.